Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Summer 2013. Brooklyn NY. I had just moved into my first real city apartment. 5th floor walk-up in a brand new building with my two best girlfriends. Both recent college grads. After the initial excitement of the big transition died down, and the phase of exploration was over I started to notice how out of place this spectacular piece of architecture was in the surrounding neighborhood we had just moved into. Gentrification was all around us. The second you step outside the front door is a step into a completely mingled and diverse world. I was so fascinated by how many different races, cultures, and religions all coincided in this borough and how each was able to feel like they were at home. The purpose of Street Cinema was to give a peek into the rapidly changing environment that I have now declared my home, and to display how many different walks of life also reside in the same area. From rich to poor, old to young, black, white, Hispanic, Jewish, and every other type of being that walks the earth. Everyone that is anyone is here. All within a very short radius of each other. These photos were shot in my own personal neighborhood so it is a direct view into the scene in which I experience each day. 

Maya Collins
DOC Final Artist Statement

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