Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Missed Opportunity~ Meghan Corbett

Thinking back, my biggest missed opportunity was when my parents took me to Holland Pond in Vermont.  The "pond" was big enough that you couldn't see either end from where we got in the water. There were tons of cool rock formations and little inlets with all sorts of plant-life and babbling brooks.  Every time we'd go around another bend I'd moan and groan about how I had left my camera at home.  Then about half way around the pond we came to a slab of rock that jutted out over the water that you could tell many people had used as a campground.  Of course, I got out of my kayak and explored.

There was a small path back through the trees to a small clearing that had the remnants of a camper's old fire.  Coming back out I saw a bald eagle just kind of hanging out in the trees above my head.  Again, I berated myself for leaving my house without my camera.

There were so many amazing sites to document and I honestly can't wait for this summer so I can go back and photograph this hidden Vermont gem.

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